27th Annual Age of Excellence Award Winners Announced

Real Services, a non-profit organization committed to helping seniors and people with disabilities in northern Indiana, held its 27th Age of Excellence Awards on [insert date]. These awards celebrate the individuals and organizations that have made a significant impact on the lives of older adults and low-income populations.

This year’s winners of the Age of Excellence Awards are a diverse group of individuals and organizations that have demonstrated a strong commitment to service and volunteerism. The winners are:

The Window, Inc. – Business of the Year Award
The Window, Inc. is a business that has displayed a strong commitment to the elderly. This award recognizes their dedication to improving the lives of older adults in their community.

Bettie Jackson – Family Caregiver of the Year Award
Bettie Jackson is a family member who unselfishly provides care and support to someone who is 60 years of age or older. Her dedication to her loved one is a shining example of the sacrifices that family caregivers make every day.

Elaine Komjathy – The Wyatt Mick Volunteer of the Year Award
Elaine Komjathy is an individual who has displayed a commitment to volunteerism in service to the elderly. Her selflessness and dedication have made a significant impact on the lives of those she serves.

Eve Finnessy – Becky Zaseck Professional of the Year Award
Eve Finnessy is a professional who has demonstrated dedicated service to older adults. Her hard work and commitment to her patients have earned her this well-deserved award.

Dr. JoAnn Burke – The Les Fox Hoosier Lifetime Award
Dr. JoAnn Burke is an individual who has demonstrated a lifetime of service to her community. Her commitment to helping others, paid or unpaid, has made a significant impact on the lives of those around her.

South Bend Heritage Foundation – Agency/Program Serving Low-Income of the Year Award
The South Bend Heritage Foundation is an agency/program that is committed to providing outstanding service to low-income persons while supporting independence. Their dedication to their community is truly remarkable.

Courtney Kubly – Change Agent of the Year Award
Courtney Kubly is an individual who made a difference in the lives of low-income populations. Her tireless efforts to improve the lives of those in need are truly inspiring.

Rickardo Taylor – Sgt. Shriver Lifetime Achievement Award
Rickardo Taylor is a person who has spent the majority of their life in service to low-income populations. His lifelong commitment to helping others is an example for us all.

Real Services’ Age of Excellence Awards are a reminder of the impact that individuals and organizations can have when they dedicate themselves to helping others. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for your service to your community!